Kamis, 25 Februari 2016



1.      Purpose of the Narrative text
·         Social function narrative
Social function of narrative text is to amuse or entertain the readers with actual or imaginary experience in different ways. Narrative always deals with some problems which lead to the climax and then turn into a solution to the problem.

2.      Generic Structure
Text Element
It tells the audience about who is in the story, when the story is taking place and where the action is happening.
Exploring the conflict in the story. It shows the rising crisis and the climax of the story.
Showing the way the participants of the story solve the crises, for better or worse.

3.      Language Features
-        Past tense (lived, asked, told, etc)
-        Action verb (made, went, finished, etc)
-        Adverb (once upon a time, night, early morning, etc)
-        Time conjunction (when, then, etc)

4.      Example of the narrative text

(Mandobo, Marauke)
Once upon a time at riverside of Kao in Boven Digoel, they lived a couple of husband and his wife and their 12 children. They lived in village which produced numerous foods. They were sago, cassavas, bananas and others. They were lots of animal to hunt as well. They lived there happily.
One night, the couple made a plan to go to the garden to pickax sago tree the next day. Therefore, they prepared all of the necessary tools that they needed. They did not realize that their plan was known by the wife’s old brother. When the sun rose the east early morning, the husband and his wife went to garden. But before they went, they talked to their eldest son to take care his young brothers and his young sisters because they would back home after the sun set. Both of them were very happy because they would get a lot of sago.
On their way to garden, they met the wife’s brother. He already knew where they headed to. Without talking too much, the brother told his sister to bake him sago and brought it to him every day. When afternoon came, they had finished pounding sago. They went home. They were tired but happy.
At night, the mother baked sago. The children then asked some sago from the mother because they were very hungry. But the mother said that the sago were for their uncle so they could not eat them. She always baked sago and brought to her brother every day. Of course, it made the children angry and disappointed. They were very hurt.
Because they ran out of sago, the couple went to the garden. As usual, the couple left their children at home. Because the children were hurt and disappointed, they made a big plan to run away from their parents. Led by eldest son, they went down from their tree home. They took taro leaves of and rope made of gnetum fnemon bark. Then, they put at two sides of their hands and arms. After that, the eldest son tried to flap his “wings” which made of those taro leaves as if he was a bird who wanted to fly. Then, the other tried too. Finally, all of them could fly. They came back home and waited for their parent arrival.
The evening came. Their parent arrived. As soon as they saw their parents, they jumped down from their home and flew away. While flying in the sky, all of them shouted: “father…… mother….., we are very disappointed and feel painful because of you, so we will go far away. Good bye!!!!. At the same time, they were change into bats and flew far away. Their parents were very sorry. They could not catch them. They only cried for their children.

In riverside of Kao in Boven Digoel, there lived a couple of husband and his wife and their 12 children. They lived in village which produced numerous foods. They were lots of animal to hunt as well. They lived there happily.

One night, the couple made a plan to go to the garden to pickax sago tree the next day. They did not realize that their plan was known by the wife’s old brother. On their way to the garden, they met the wife’s brother and the brother told his sister to bake him sago and brought it to him every day.
The children then asked some sago from the mother because they were very hungry. But the mother said that the sago were for their uncle so they could not eat them. It mad the children angry and disappointed. They were very hurt.

Because the children were hurt and disappointed, they made a big plan to run away from their parents and they made wings from taro leaves for they could fly. As soon as they saw their parents, they jumped down from their home and flew away. While flying in the sky, all of them shouted their disappointment for their parents. Their parents were very sorry. They could not catch them. They only cried for their children.

5.      Exercise
a.       Answer the question with text above
-        What are they produced?
-        What happen about the parents and wife’s old brother?
-        Why the children be angry?
-        What the children do to run away from their parents?
-        What the parents feel with the children done?
b.      Groping word into noun, verb, adjective, adverb and preposition to the story given.
c.       Make the grouping words into sentence one by one.


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